Challenge Created by Voodoo, the Wizz app encourages users to have fun and make new friends worldwide in a safe place. For their first ever branding campaign, Wizz entrusted Biborg with the challenge of creating a campaign targeting Gen Z in the US, 100% designed for YouTube.
Idea To fully understand Gen Z, we discovered several powerful insights that described this generation. Although ultra-connected, in reality they’re very lonely, with 79% of Gen Z in the US feeling this way. When asked why, we found that it was difficult for them to meet friends who share the same passion. With this in mind, we decided to highlight in our YouTube spot that everyone on Wizz can connect, discover, and share their passions, no matter how mainstream or niche they may be. In parallel with the content, it was key for us to apply YouTube best practices: giving particular care to the first 4 unskippable seconds, having playful, catchy BGM and fun SFX, including certain passion points (music, film, gaming…) that fit with the Gen Z audience, and making sure it was also suitable for mobile.
Our work A rich, 30 second video created in collaboration with Crazymage. A teenager’s world comes to life with fun, expressive overlays and dynamic, animated effects as she becomes friends with others worldwide through the app. By tracking the background, we easily switched between and merged the app with reality. With each topic, the protagonist’s entire universe changes, showcasing her passions and the emotions that can be experienced on Wizz. We also made short, captivating, 5 second unskippable bumper ads, to highlight the key passion points for Gen Z in the US.
Bumper #1 - Gaming focus:
Bumper #2 - Lifestyle focus:
Bumper #3 - Music focus: