In 2015, Netflix released its new original Marvel series, Daredevil. Set in the dark New York’s neighborhood Hell’s Kitchen, the acclaimed show relates the story of Matt Murdock: a lawyer by day who fights crimes by night.
Inspired by the hero story, Biborg designed a digital campaign based on one single concept, let Matt Murdock reveal his devil inside by mixing innovative DOOH units and online display advertising.
To raise awareness about the series, Biborg equipped billboards with motion detectors to create intriguing digital out of home formats allowing passers-by to interact with the animation.
On the screen of the Citadium mall in Paris, a special animation evolved depending on the time of day, making the vigilant emerge when the sun set on the city. The 'Digital Dream' format in Le 4 Temps mall in Paris was set up, a highly impactful billboard in La Defense business district, to display an immersive 360° experience.
The campaign continued with large 'Digiwalls' displayed in Paris and several other cities in order to reach the widest possible audience.
On the online part, Biborg crafted Homepage Takeovers, YouTube mastheads and interactive preroll units inviting users to discover the main characters of Daredevil’s corrupted world and watch the series.
13 digital out of home units and 55 billboards were displayed.
Find out more on L'ADN (FR).