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Trailer & Film
BattleCore Arena - Launch Trailer


For the launch of Ubisoft’s fun and explosive new title, BattleCore Arena, we needed a social-ready creative that highlighted its main feature - the Cores - and how they jump, bump, smash and roll around in the game. BATTLECORE ARENA KEYVISUAL


We decided to twist the idea of ‘behind the scenes’ footage to show how the studio succeeded in capturing perfect Core physics through a series of short films inspired by the ”perfectly cut” trend and absurd gen-Z humour. So, welcome to the lab where a team of scientists studied various Core-like objects to capture how they truly move in space. Bubble tea tapioca, bowling balls, bingo balls… they left no stone unturned in their pursuit of finding the true essence of the Core.


From the outset, the creative process took production constraints into account, to be able to produce different scenes in the same location and with a reduced number of shots. In addition, Ubisoft and our team worked closely together to achieve these seamless live action to gameplay transitions that would work perfectly on TikTok and other platforms.