Challenge With the critically acclaimed ‘Soulsborne’ series (Demon/Dark Souls, Bloodborne), FromSoftware has created a genre-defining legacy spanning over a decade. For the launch of Elden Ring (Hidetaka Miyazaki & George R.R. Martin), Bandai Namco wanted to broaden the audience without compromising the game’s core essence of challenging and rewarding gameplay.
Idea Soulsborne games are known for having a high difficulty level in the gaming community. Although this achievement-driven genre is loved by our core audience, it’s not entirely welcomed by our fantasy RPG players who see difficulty as a constraint rather than a challenge.
To leverage this tension, we went beyond the limitations of achievement and emphasised the players’ empowerment through key features you could experience in the game. With this, we positioned the whole campaign message from a stance of one-off achievements (#DieAndRetry) to continuously evolving accomplishments (#SelfRealization).
Results 882 assets produced Over 10 million units sold on PC More than 7000 articles on Elden Ring during the launch week
Here are some examples: